[HGI-news-int] IACR Book Reviews: Update
English Newsletter of the Horst Gö rtz Institute of IT Security in Bochum
hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Wed Jan 13 07:16:21 CET 2010
It is my pleasure to introduce Axel Poschmann to you as he will take
over the IACR book reviewing system from me. As a result, I will be able
to deal with other duties of the IACR newsletter editor.
Axel did his Ph.D. at the Horst Görtz Institute in Bochum, in the group
of Embedded Security (Christof Paar). Currently, he is a post-doc with
the Coding and Cryptography Research Group at Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore. If you have any questions regarding the book
reviewing system - or better - if you want to contribute a review - you
can contact him via <books at iacr.org>.
At the moment, there are 19 reviews online, see
http://www.iacr.org/books/ (a list is also at the end of this eMail). In
addition, there are also plenty of books waiting to be reviewed. You
find them at http://www.iacr.org/books/booksForReview.html If you want
to review any book from Taylor & Francis or Springer, not already listed
there, just contact Axel (books at iacr.org), he will most certainly be
able to get it for you.
All the best,
You can download the full text of each review at http://www.iacr.org/books/
Friederich L. Bauer: "Historische Notizen zur Informatik" (German), 2009:
This book is a collection of trivia about the history of computer
science and mathematics. You can learn this and that from it, but it is
nevertheless a book to enjoy reading. Maybe a nice gift to everybody
from this field who likes to read.
Review written by Jannik Pewny (Horst Görtz Institute, Ruhr University
Bochum, Germany). (PDF)
Publisher: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-540-857891 (Date: 2010-01-12)
M. Jason Hinek: "Cryptanalysis of RSA and its Variants", 2010:
This book sums up traditional attacks on RSA and gives a lot of
information about the newer lattice-based attacks. It uses a lot of
mathematics, but explains it pretty well. It seems like a very good book
to get an overview over attacks on RSA.
Review written by Jannik Pewny (Horst Görtz Institute, Ruhr University
Bochum, Germany). (PDF)
Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7512-2
(Date: 2010-01-08)
Song Y. Yan: "Primality Testing and Integer Factorization in Public-Key
Cryptography", 2009:
The author knows how to show that "the theory of numbers is one of the
most beautiful and pure parts of mathematics" and how to fascinate the
reader for this subject. The book can be recommended without any
restrictions. It is suitable as text book and/or reference book for
anybody interested in Primality Testing or Integer Factorization being
student, researcher or amateur. This book will definitely not get dusty
in the reviewer's book shelf!
Review written by Joerg Gerschuetz (International School of IT Security,
Bochum, Germany). (PDF)
Publisher: Springer. ISBN: 978-0-387-77267-7 (Date: 2010-01-07)
Yan Sun, Wade Trappe and K.J.R. Liu: "Network-Aware Security for Group
Communications", 2008:
This book gives an introduction to group key management protocols in
different network settings. It can be recommended to early researchers
in the areas of group key management, secure multicast and secure
communication in sensor networks. The book discusses various security
issues in group communications in a network-aware approach. However, it
fails to show how to rigorously analyze group key management protocols
with respect to these identified security issues.
Review written by Choudary Gorantla (Information Security Institute,
Queensland University of Technology, Australia). (PDF)
Publisher: Springer. ISBN: 978-0-387-68846-6 (Date: 2010-01-06)
Darel W. Hardy, Fred Richman, and Carol L. Walker: "Applied Algebra -
Codes, Ciphers, And Discrete Algorithms", 2009:
The book introduces algebraical concepts which are used in cryptography
and coding and shows their applications in these fields. The strength of
the book is clearly the number of examples which on the other side in
some case unfortunately leads to a lack of general definitions and
theorems. Therefore this book is suitable for student who prefer
learning by doing (the book provides many exercise) but is not suitable
as a handbook. I would also not recommend the book for mathematics
student or students which already have a good mathematical background or
a strong background in cryptography or coding as they would know already
large parts of the book.
Review written by Julia Borghoff (DTU Mathematics, Technical University
of Denmark). (PDF)
Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7142-9
(Date: 2010-01-05)
Johannes Buchmann: "Introduction to Cryptography", 2004:
As the title states the book by Johannes Buchmann provides an
introduction to cryptography. It gives a general mathematical background
in the beginning and particular mathematical preliminaries are provided
at the time they are needed to understand some specific cryptographic
method. This text is recommended for undergraduate students or readers
who want to get an overview of some modern cryptographic methods and
their mathematical preliminaries, like for example RSA and DES.
Review written by Mohamed Saied Emam Mohamed (Technical University of
Darmstadt, Germany). (PDF)
Publisher: Springer. ISBN: 0-387-21156-X (Date: 2010-01-05)
Michael Hafner and Ruth Breu: "Security Engineering for Service-Oriented
Architectures", 2009:
The book by Hafner and Breu gives an overview on how to systematically
design and realize security-critical service-based applications
following the model-driven development methodology. Whenever the book
talks about SOA or services, it is talking about the technical
realisation of SOA using SOAP and related technologies and standards.
Currently the audience mainly benefiting from this book is regarded
students and researchers.
Review written by Luigi Lo Iacono (NEC Laboratories Europe). (PDF)
Publisher: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-540-79538-4 (Date: 2009-12-04)
Peter H. Cole and Damith C. Ranasinghe: "Networked RFID Systems and
Lightweight Cryptography", 2008:
This book is a comprehensive guide to networks of Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) based Electronic Product Codes (EPCs) in supply
chains. Written in a fluent, but not overworded fashion, this work
represents both a good starting point for students beginning to work in
the area of RFID, and a reference for those who are rather more advanced
in this field. It provides a great background for those interested in
the topic of RFID in general and supply-chain-RFID in particular. A
preferred target audience would be researchers in this field, rather
than those working in the industry. Further study of the various
references quoted in the book is not only recommendable, but necessary,
as the authors present only succinctly the topic of other papers or books.
Review written by Maria Cristina Onete (CASED, TU Darmstadt, Germany). (PDF)
Publisher: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-540-71640-2 (Date: 2009-12-04)
F.L. Bauer: "Decrypted Secrets - Methods and Maxims of Cryptology", 2009:
As the subtitle reveals, the book discusses different methods and maxims
of cryptology. This book can be recommended to everyone who has
mathematical, informatical, historical or linguistic interests in
cryptography. There are different ways of approaching this book. Due to
its vivid style, it can be read linear as a novel, but it can also be
used as reference work for specific topics.
Review written by Denise Reinert (ISEB---Institute for Security in
E-Business, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany). (PDF)
Publisher: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-540-24502-5 (Date: 2009-11-22)
F.L. Bauer: "Entzifferte Geheimnisse - Methoden und Maximen der
Kryptologie" (German), 2009:
Wie der Untertitel bereits verrät, behandelt das Buch Entzifferte
Geheimnisse verschiedene Methoden und Maximen der Kryptologie. Dieses
Buch ist für jeden empfehlenswert, der sich aus mathematischer,
informationstechnischer, historischer oder sprachlicher Sicht für
Kryptographie interessiert. Dabei gibt es verschiedene
Herangehensweisen, das Buch zu lesen. Durch den lebhaften Stil kann es
durchaus linear als Roman gelesen werden, jedoch ist es auch als
Nachschlagewerk für einzelne Bereiche geeignet.
Review written by Denise Reinert (ISEB---Institute for Security in
E-Business, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany). (PDF)
Publisher: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-540-67931-8 (Date: 2009-11-22)
Massimiliano Sala, Teo Mora, Ludovic Perret, Shojiro Sakata, and Carlo
Traverso (Editors): "Gröbner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography", 2009:
The book edited by Max Sala and other renowned experts is a collection
of chapters and small notes devoted to the topic of application of
Gröbner bases in coding and cryptography. Gröbner bases appeared in
1960s and nowadays is an established tool in computational algebra.
Quite recently applications of this technique have been found in coding
theory (decoding, fining minimum distance) and cryptology
(multivariate-based cryptography, algebraic cryptanalysis). This book
has all the material needed to get an overview of the exciting area.
Review written by Stanislav Bulygin (CASED - Center for Advanced
Security Research Darmstadt, Germany). (PDF)
Publisher: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-540-93806-7 (Date: 2009-11-22)
Keith Mayes and Konstantinos Markantonakis (editors): "Smart Cards,
Tokens, Security and Applications", 2008:
This book is an introduction to the world of smart cards and secure
components. It describes some of the main applications using smart
cards: mobile phone, banking, Pay TV and ID cards. It briefly explores
advanced topics such as life cycle management, development environments
(Java card, MultOS, SIM toolkit, ...) or Common Criteria. If you're
looking for a quick tour about smart cards, then this may be your book.
Review written by Eric Diehl (Security Competence Center, Thomson,
Rennes, France). (PDF)
Publisher: Springer. ISBN: 978-0-387-72197-2 (Date: 2009-11-10)
Abhishek Singh and Baibhav Singh: "Identifying Malicious Code Through
Reverse Engineering", 2009:
This book gives a little introduction into assembly, shows how a PE
looks like, how vulnerabilities look like in assembly code and shows you
some stumbling blocks when reverse-engineering code. It is full of
spelling mistakes and does not cover the topic the title promises.
Review written by Jannik Pewny (Horst Görtz Institute, Ruhr University
Bochum, Germany). (PDF)
Publisher: Springer. ISBN: 978-0-387-09824-1 (Date: 2009-11-03)
Carlos Cid, Sean Murphy, and Matthew Robshaw: "Algebraic Aspects of the
Advanced Encryption Standard", 2006:
In their book the authors give an algebraic perspective of the Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES). The way the book is written is overall
pleasant. The reader who is ok with mathematical language should have no
problem reading it. The material is not overwhelmed with heavy
mathematical results/proofs/notions. Considering that the book contains
also necessary mathematical background overview, it is readable for
engineers and cryptographers without a particular pre-knowledge of algebra.
Review written by Stanislav Bulygin (CASED - Center for Advanced
Security Research Darmstadt, Germany). (PDF)
Publisher: Springer. ISBN: 0-387-24363-1, 978-0-387-24363-4 (Date:
Song Y. Yan: "Cryptanalytic Attacks on RSA", 2008:
The book is the state of the art encyclopedia of RSA encryption
algorithm. It is well-structured and can be used as lecture notes for
any university cryptographic course or student research project. It is
the most relevant and self-explanatory book about RSA and is very
helpful for students and teachers.
Review written by Yuriy R. Aydarov (Perm State University, Russia). (PDF)
Publisher: Springer. ISBN: 978-0-387-48741-0 (Date: 2009-11-02)
Adam J. Elbirt: "Understanding and Applying Cryptography and Data
Security", 2009:
And now how do I implement that? If you have some day wondered how to
implement your cryptographic result, this book is here to help you...
>From symmetric-key to public-key cryptography, from signatures to MAC,
you'll may find the answer you are looking for in there.
Review written by Olivier Blazy (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris,
France). (PDF)
Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6160-4
(Date: 2009-11-01)
Karl de Leeuw and Jan Bergstra (editors): "The History of Information
Security - A Comprehensive Handbook", 2007:
This magisterial book, of almost 900 pages, has joined Kahn, Yardley and
Welchmann on my shelf of serious reference works. Yet it contains much
that I found new, surprising and even delightful, despite a quarter
century of working in the field.
Review written by Ross Anderson (University of Cambridge, Computer
Laboratory). (PDF)
Publisher: Elsevier. ISBN: 0444516085, 978-0444516084 (Date: 2009-10-27)
Shiguo Lian: "Multimedia Content Encryption: Techniques and
Applications", 2009:
This book gives a good starting point for research concerning the
special requirements multimedia content has of cryptography. It takes
various types of encryption, compression, watermarking and
fingerprinting into account. Readers with background in cryptography and
interest in the topic of multimedia encryption should be satisfied.
Review written by Jannik Pewny (Horst Görtz Institute, Ruhr University
Bochum, Germany). (PDF)
Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 1-4200-6527-0,
978-1-4200-6527-5 (Date: 2009-10-20)
Gabriel Valiente: "Combinatorial Pattern Matching Algorithms in
Computational Biology using Perl and R", 2009:
The book holds what its cover promises: It is a well-sorted collection
of pattern matching algorithms that are used to work with problems in
computational biology. Only shortcoming is the missing runtime-analysis.
All in all, it is recommended, in particular for students of
computational biology or bioinformatics.
Review written by Jannik Pewny (Horst Görtz Institute, Ruhr University
Bochum, Germany). (PDF)
Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 1-4200-6973-X,
978-1-4200-6973-0 (Date: 2009-10-07)
This list is also available at http://www.iacr.org/books/booksForReview.html
Please note that every book is only reviewed once. Books currently under
review are marked in the list below: [Date Name].
Below you find a selection of books from Springer. Further titles are
available via Springer's website.
* Adjeroh: The Burrows-Wheeler Transform
* [2009-12-14 Gregory Kohring] Aigner: Proofs from THE BOOK
* Aigner: Das BUCH der Beweise [German]
* [2009-12-17 Abdelhak Azhari] Baigneres: A Classical Introduction
to Cryptography Exercise Book
* Baldoni: Elementary Number Theory, Cryptography and Codes
* [done Denise Reinert] Bauer: Decrypted Secrets
* [done Denise Reinert] Bauer: Entzifferte Geheimnisse [German]
* [done Jannik Pewny] Bauer: Historische Notizen zur Informatik [German]
* [2009-11-08 Sebastian Gajek] Bella: Formal Correctness of Security
* [2009-98-26 Ludovic Perret] Bernstein: Post-Quantum Cryptography
* Biggs: Codes: An Introduction to Information Communication and
* [!2010-03-15 S.V.Nagaraj] Biskup: Security in Computing Systems
* Buchmann: Binary Quadratic Forms
* [done Mohamed Saied Emam Mohamed] Buchmann: Introduction to
* Calmet: Mathematical Methods in Computer Science
* [2009-08-19 Joerg Schwenk] Camp: Economics of Identity Theft
* [2009-11-01 Olivier Blazy] Chen: Terrorism Informatics
* [2009-11-01 Lakshmi Kuppusamy] Choo: Secure Key Establishment
* [done Stanislav Bulygin] Cid: Algebraic Aspects of the Advanced
Encryption Standard
* [done Cristina Onete] Cole: Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight
* Damiani: Open Source Systems Security Certification
* Delfs: Introduction to Cryptography
* [?2010-05-01 Safuat Hamdy] Desmedt: Secure Public Key Infrastructure
* Dietzfelbinger: Primality Testing in Polynomial Time
* Di Pietro: Intrusion Detection Systems
* Fine: Number Theory
* [done Luigi Lo Iacono] Hafner: Security Engineering for
Service-Oriented Architectures
* [!2010-01-31 Axel Poschmann] Henrici: RFID Security and Privacy
* Higgins: Number Story
* [? 2009-08-19 Sebastian Gajek] Hoffstein: An Introduction to
Mathematical Cryptography
* Kizza: Guide to Computer Network Security
* Koblitz: Random Curves
* [2009-10-01 Azzeddine Riamrami] Koç: Cryptographic Engineering
* Kuo: Precoding Techniques for Digital Communication Systems
* [2010-01-07 Joerg Gerschuetz] Lee: Botnet Detection
* Lemke: Embedded Security in Cars
* Li: An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications
* [2009-11-24 Arnaud Tisserand] Mangard: Power Analysis Attacks
* [done Eric Diehl] Mayes: Smart Cards, Tokens, Security and
* Mehlhorn: Algorithms and Data Structures
* Micheloni: Error Correction Codes for Non-Volatile Memories
* Onieva: Secure Multi-Party Non-Repudiation Protocols and Applications
* Portnoy: Global Initiatives to Secure Cyberspace
* Robshaw: New Stream Cipher Designs
* Rodríguez-Henríquez: Cryptographic Algorithms on Reconfigurable
* [2009-08-19 Atefeh Mashatam] Rosen: Concurrent Zero-Knowledge
* [!2010-03-08 Rolf Oppliger] Rothe: Komplexitätstheorie und
Kryptologie [German]
* Rousseau: Mathematics and Technology
* Salomon: A Concise Introduction to Data Compression
* Sammes: Forensic Computing
* Schellekens: A Modular Calculus for the Average Cost of Data
* [!2010-01-30 Erik Tews] Schneier: Beyond Fear
* [2010-01-15 Mohamed Layouni] Schroeder: Number Theory in Science
and Communication
* Shi: Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security III
* Stichtenoth: Algebraic Function Fields and Codes
* Stolfo: Insider Attack and Cyber Security
* [done Choudary Gorantla] Sun: Network-Aware Security for Group
* Traynor: Security for Telecommunications Networks
* Tuyls: Security with Noisy Data
* [!2010-01-01 Jothi Rangasamy] Vaudenay: A Classical Introduction
to Cryptography
* Vöcking: Taschenbuch der Algorithmen [German]
* Wang: Computer Network Security
* [done Joerg Gerschuetz] Yan: Primality Testing and Integer
Factorization in Public-Key Cryptography
* [done Yuriy Aydarov] Yan: Cryptanalytic Attacks on RSA
* Yeung: Information Theory and Network Coding
* [2009-10-20 Wael Said Abd Elmageed Mohamed] Bard: Algebraic
* Gomes: Implicit Curves and Surfaces: Mathematics, Data Structures,
and Algorithms
* Hromkovic: Algorithmic Adventures
* [2009-08-19 Marc Joye] Katz: Digital Signatures
* [2009-12-08 Luigi Lo Iacono] Nielsen: A Concise and Practical
Introduction to Programming Algorithms in Java
* [done Stas Bulygin] Sala: Gröbner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography
* [done Jannik Pewny] Singh: Identifying Malicious Code Through
Reverse Engineering
* Vadhan: A Study of Statistical Zero-Knowledge Proofs
This list is also available at http://www.iacr.org/books/booksForReview.html
Taylor & Francis
Below you find a selection of books from Taylor & Francis. Further
titles are available via Taylor & Francis's website.
* [2009-11-18 Eric Diehl] Avoine, Gildas: Computer System Security:
Basic Concepts and Solved Exercises
* Elaydi, Saber N.: Discrete Chaos, Second Edition: With
Applications in Science and Engineering
* [done Olivier Blazy] Elbirt, Adam J.: Understanding and Applying
Cryptography and Data Security
* Erickson, Martin: Introduction to Number Theory
* Gross, Jonathan L.: Combinatorial Methods with Computer Applications
* Gould, Ronald J: Mathematics in Games, Sports, and Gambling
* [done Julia Borghoff] Hardy, Darel W.: Applied Algebra: Codes,
Ciphers and Discrete Algorithms, Second Edition
* Heubach, Silvia: Combinatorics of Compositions and Words
* [done Jannik Pewny] Hinek, M. Jason: Cryptanalysis of RSA and Its
* Hsu, Lih-Hsing: Graph Theory and Interconnection Networks
* [2009-11-01 Olivier Blazy]Jacobson, Douglas: Introduction to
Network Security
* Johnson, Norman: Handbook of Finite Translation Planes
* [2009-08-18 David M'Raihi / !2010-01-01 Julia Borghoff] Joux,
Antoine: Algorithmic Cryptanalysis
* [? 2009-08-19 Abdelhak Azhari][2009-12-17 Cristina Onete] Katz,
Jonathan: Introduction to Modern Cryptography: Principles and Protocols
* Koolen, Jack: Applications of Group Theory to Combinatorics
* [done Jannik Pewny] Lian, Shiguo: Multimedia Content Encryption:
Techniques and Applications
* Lindner, Charles C.: Design Theory, Second Edition
* Moldovyan, Nikolai: Data-driven Block Ciphers for Fast
Telecommunication Systems
* Mollin, Richard A.: Fundamental Number Theory with Applications,
Second Edition
* Mollin, Richard A.: Advanced Number Theory with Applications
* Peeva, Irena: Syzygies and Hilbert Functions
* Roberts, Fred: Applied Combinatorics, Second Edition
* [!2010-03-31 Aka Bile Frederic Edoukou] Smith, Jonathan D. H.:
Introduction to Abstract Algebra
* Szabo, Sandor: Factoring Groups into Subsets
* [done Jannik Pewny] Valiente, Gabriel: Combinatorial Pattern
Matching Algorithms in Computational Biology Using Perl and R
* Wallis, W.D.: Introduction to Combinatorial Designs, Second Edition
* [missing Abdelhak Azhari] Washington, Lawrence C.: Elliptic
Curves: Number Theory and Cryptography, Second Edition
* Wallis, W.D.: Introduction to Combinatorial Designs, Second Edition
* [!2010-01-15 Ladan Mahabadi] Katz, Jonathan: Introduction to
Modern Cryptography: Principles and Protocols
* Erickson, Martin: Introduction to Number Theory
* Elaydi, Saber N.: Discrete Chaos, Second Edition: With
Applications in Science and Engineering
* Gross, Jonathan L.: Combinatorial Methods with Computer Applications
* Blanchet-Sadri, Francine: Algorithmic Combinatorics on Partial Words
* Moldovyan, Nikolai: Data-driven Block Ciphers for Fast
Telecommunication Systems
* Mollin, Richard A.: Fundamental Number Theory with Applications,
Second Edition
* [2009-11-02 Vincent Immler] Washington, Lawrence C.: Elliptic
Curves: Number Theory and Cryptography, Second Edition
* Koolen, Jack: Applications of Group Theory to Combinatorics
* Brualdi, Richard A.: A Combinatorial Approach to Matrix Theory and
Its Applications
* Smith, Jonathan D. H.: Introduction to Abstract Algebra
* [? 2009-08-24 Landan Mahabadi] Lian, Shiguo: Multimedia Content
Encryption: Techniques and Applications
* Chartrand, Gary: Chromatic Graph Theory
* Lindner, Charles C.: Design Theory, Second Edition
* Jacobson, Douglas: Introduction to Network Security
* Szabo, Sandor: Factoring Groups into Subsets
* Hardy, Darel W.: Applied Algebra: Codes, Ciphers and Discrete
Algorithms, Second Edition
* Valiente, Gabriel: Combinatorial Pattern Matching Algorithms in
Computational Biology Using Perl and R
* [2009-10-01 Olivier Blazy] Elbirt, Adam J.: Understanding and
Applying Cryptography and Data Security
* Roberts, Fred: Applied Combinatorics, Second Edition
* Paulsen, William: Abstract Algebra. An interactive Approach
* Heubach, Silvia; Mansour, Toufik: Combinatorics of Compositions
and Words
This list is also available at http://www.iacr.org/books/booksForReview.html
Wiley and Sons
Below you find a selection of books from Wiley and Sons. Further titles
are available via Wiley and Sons' website.
* [2009-12-16 Safuat Hamdy] Anderson: Security Engineering: A Guide
to Building Dependable Distributed Systems, 2nd Edition
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