[HGI-news-int] 3rd International Conference on Trust and Trustworthy Computing (TRUST 2010)

English Newsletter of the Horst Gö rtz Institute of IT Security in Bochum hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Sun Jan 24 16:48:58 CET 2010


                           Call for Papers


                             Trust 2010

     3rd International Conference on Trust and Trustworthy Computing


                   June 21-23, 2010, Berlin, Germany




     Submission due:     9 February 2010 



Building on the success of Trust 2009 (held at Oxford, UK) and Trust 2008
(Villach, Austria), this conference focuses on trusted and trustworthy
computing, both from the technical and social perspectives. The conference
itself will have two main strands, one devoted to technical aspects and one
devoted to the socio-economic aspects of trusted computing.


The conference solicits original papers on any aspect (technical or social
and economic) of the design, application and usage of trusted and
trustworthy computing, which concerns a broad range of concepts including
trustworthy infrastructures, services, hardware, software and protocols.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


Technical Strand:


     * Architecture and implementation technologies for trusted platforms

       and trustworthy infrastructures

     * Mobile trusted computing

     * Implementations of trusted computing (covering both hardware and


     * Applications of trusted computing

     * Trustworthy infrastructures and services for cloud computing

     * Attestation and possible variants (e.g., property-based

       attestation, runtime attestation)

     * Cryptographic aspects of trusted computing

     * Security hardware, i.e., hardware with cryptographic and

       security functions, physically unclonable functions (PUFs)

     * Establishing trust in embedded systems (e.g., sensor networks)

     * Hardware Trojans (detection, prevention)

     * Intrusion resilience in trusted computing

     * Virtualisation for trusted platforms

     * Security policy and management of trusted computing

     * Access control for trusted platforms

     * Privacy aspects of trusted computing

     * Verification of trusted computing architectures

     * End-user interactions with trusted platforms

     * Limitations of trusted computing


Socio-economic Strand:


    * Usability and user perceptions of trustworthy systems and risks

    * Effects of trustworthy systems upon user, corporate, and

      governmental behavior

    * The adequacy of guarantees provided by trustworthy systems for

      systems critically dependent upon trust, such as elections and

      government oversight

    * The impact of trustworthy systems upon digital forensics, police

      investigations and court proceedings

    * Economic drivers for trustworthy systems

    * Group and organizational behavior within trustworthy systems

    * The impact of trustworthy systems upon user autonomy, social

      capital, and power relationships

    * Cross-cultural definitions of trustworthiness

    * Can systems be truly "trustworthy" without any capacity for moral


    * Trustworthy systems and precursors of trust such as honesty,

      benevolence, value similarity, or competence

    * Trustworthiness, regret and forgiveness

    * Trustworthy systems as enhancements or constraints on government


    * The role of independence from vested interests as a driver of trust

    * Game theoretical approaches to modeling or designing trustworthy


    * Experimental economics studies of trustworthiness

    * The interplay between privacy, privacy enhancing technologies and


    * Regulatory vs peer-produced trustworthiness, including reputation


    * Global governance initiatives to manage trust

    * Critiques of trustworthy systems



General Chair:

        Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, University of Bochum, Germany


Program Chair (Technical Strand)

        Sean Smith, Dartmouth College, USA


Program Chair (Socio-economic Strand)

        Alessandro Acquisti, Carnegie Mellon University, USA


Program Committee (Technical Strand)

        N. Asokan, Nokia Research Center, Finland

        Sergey Bratus, Dartmouth College, USA

        Liqun Chen, HP Laboratories, UK

        Cynthia Irvine, Naval Postgraduate School, USA

        Bernhard Kauer, Technische Universtat Dresden, Germany

        Michael LeMay, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA

        Michael Locasto, George Mason University, USA

        Andrew Martin, University of Oxford, UK

        Jon McCune, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

        Chris Mitchell, Royal Holloway University, UK

        David Naccache, ENS, France

        Dimitris Pendarakis, IBM Watson, USA

        Graeme Proudler, HP Laboratories, UK

        Anand Rajan, Intel, USA

        Scott Rotondo, Sun, USA

        Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, University of Bochum, Germany

        Radu Sion, Stony Brook University, USA

        Christian Stueble, Sirrix, Germany

        G. Edward Suh, Cornell University, USA

        Leendert van Doorn, AMD, USA

        Claire Vishik, Intel, UK


Program Committee (Socio-economic Strand)

        Andrew A. Adams, Reading University, UK

        Ian Brown, University of Oxford, UK

        Johann Cas, Austrian Academy of Science

        Lorrie Faith Cranor, Carnegie-Mellon University, USA

        Tamara Dinev, Florida Atlantic University, USA

        Peter Gutmann, University of Auckland, New Zealand

        Tristan Henderson, St Andrews University, UK

        Adam Joinson, Bath University, UK

        Eleni Kosta, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

        Meryem Marzouki, French National Scientific Research Center (CNRS)

        Tyler Moore, Harvard University, USA

        Deirdre Mulligan, UC Berkely, USA

        Anne-Marie Oostveen, Oxford University, UK

        Andrew Patrick, Carleton University, Canada

        Angela Sasse, University College London, UK

        Jonathan Zittrain, Harvard University, USA



Important Dates:

     Submission due:     9 February 2010 

     Notification:       10 March 2010

     Camera ready:       24 March 2010

     Conference:         21-23 June 2010


Paper Submission:






Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi

System Security Lab

Ruhr-University Bochum

Building IC, Room 4/36/37

Universitaetsstr. 150

D-44780 Bochum


Phone +49 234 32 24086

Fax   +49 234 32 14956

email:  <mailto:sadeghi at crypto.rub.de> sadeghi at trust.rub.de

URL:    <http://www.prosec.rub.de/> www.trust.rub.de


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