[HGI-news-int] escar 2011 - Call for Papers

English Newsletter of the Horst Goertz Institute of IT Security in Bochum hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Tue May 24 16:48:46 CEST 2011

We apologize for multiple mailings. Regards, Christof Paar


*2nd Call for Papers**

escar 2011 -- Embedded Security in Cars
November 9 - 10, 2011, Dresden, Germany

**www.escar.info <http://www.escar.info>**

*Information technology is the driving force behind innovations in the automotive industry. Today even compact vehicles having a few tens of interconnected microprocessors with up to several hundred megabytes of software and integrated communication capabilities to the outside world. The situation is similar for commercial vehicles such as trucks. **

One crucial aspect of many IT applications in vehicles is IT security.
Whereas IT safety is a relatively well established (if not necessarily
well understood) field, the protection of automotive IT systems against
manipulation has only very recently started to emerge. At the same time,
security will be an enabling technology for many -- perhaps for most --
future automotive IT applications. IT security will increase both,
reliability & safety, while enabling and protecting various new business

The escar conference, *now in its 9th year*, has established itself as
the premier forum for information, discussion and exchange of ideas in
this innovative field. As in previous years, the program will include
invited talks and submitted papers. Please have a look in the *PDF
document* to get an overview of the areas.

Theoretical/scientific articles, case studies and real-world experiences
are welcome. All submissions will be peer-reviewed. Prospective authors
should contact one of the program chairs (Christof Paar
christof.paar at rub.de <mailto:christof.paar at rub.de> or Marko Wolf
marko.wolf at escrypt.com <mailto:marko.wolf at escrypt.com>) in case they
have any doubts about the appropriateness of their submission for the


Two types of submissions are possible:

    * Full papers of up to 10 pages. This can be, for example, new
      research results, case studies, or state-of-the-art reports. The
      value for the escar community should be clearly demonstrated.
    * Extended Abstracts of 2-3 pages. This category is particularly
      geared towards contributions from industry, e.g., describing new
      developments in industrial research or applications

For both types, the document must be in English, the font size should be
at least 10pt, and the type of submission (i.e., full paper vs. extended
abstract) must be indicated on the title page. Submissions do not need
to be anonymous.

Submissions will be accepted at escar´s submission site in PDF format only.


*Important Dates*

Submission deadline:


*July 1, 2011 (24:00 CET)*


Acceptance notification:


*September 1, 2011*


Final paper due:


*October 1, 2011*


*Program Chairs*

- Christof Paar, /Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany/

- Marko Wolf, /escrypt GmbH, Germany/

*Program Committee
Bhargav Bellur, /General Motors, USA 
/Claudia Eckert, /Fraunhofer SIT, Germany 
/Harald Eisele, /Adam Opel GmbH, Germany 
/Franz Walter/, Daimler AG, Germany 
/Oliver Hartkopp, /Volkswagen AG, Germany 
/Yih-Chun Hu, /University of Illinois, USA 
/Daniel Jiang, /Mercedes-Benz Inc., USA 
/Paul Kompfner, /ERTICO, Belgium 
/Stefan Kuipers, /Sogeti B.V., Netherlands 
/Brigitte Lonc, /Renault SAS, France 
/Hisashi Oguma, /Toyota ITC Ltd., Japan 
/Adrian Perrig/, Carnegie Mellon University, USA 
/Ken Pierce, /General Motors, USA 
/Carsten Schmal, /Audi AG, Germany 
/Elmar Schoch, /Volkswagen AG, Germany 
/Franz Stadler, /Continental GmbH, Germany 
/Stephan Stilkerich, /EADS GmbH, Germany 
/Markus Ullmann, /BSI & University of Applied Sciences Bonn Rhine-Sieg,
/André Weimerskirch, /escrypt Inc., USA 
/Benjamin Weyl, /BMW Group, Germany /

Prof. Christof Paar 
Chair for Embedded Security
Dept. Electrical Engineering & Information Technology
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany

URL:    www.emsec.rub.de
Mobile: +49 (0)170 790 3393


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