[HGI-news-int] CFP Conference on Security of Internet of Things

English Newsletter of the Horst Goertz Institute of IT Security in Bochum hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Sun Feb 5 13:59:30 CET 2012

International Conference on Security of Internet of Things -- SecurIT 2012

August 17 - 19, 2012, Amrita University, Kerala, India
SecurIT 2012 will address security in the areas of computing, communication, and control systems.  Internet of Things now touches every aspect of our lives and with emerging newer security threats, SecurIT 2012 is the platform to bring together researchers, practitioners & Òethical hackersÓ from around the world for disseminating the latest advances in security in cloud computing, mobile networks, cyber-physical control systems, healthcare systems, etc. 
We are honored to have the conference steered by renowned computer scientists and technology leaders such as Dr. Andrew Tanenbaum, VU, Amsterdam, Dr. Robert Kahn, Co-inventor of TCP/IP & CEO President, CNRI, Reston Virginia; Dr. Gulshan Rai, Director General, Cert-In; Dr. John Mitchell, Professor, Stanford University & ACM Fellow; Dr. Gene Tsudik, Editor-Chief of ACM Transactions on Information and System Security & Professor, U.C. Irvine; Dr. Prasant Mahopatra, IEEE Fellow & Professor, U. C. Davis; Dr. Sree Rajan, Director, Fujitsu Laboratories of America; Dr. Masahiro Fujita, Professor, University of Tokyo;  Dr. Venkat Rangan, Amrita University and keynote speakers like Esther Dyson (founding co-chairwoman of ICANN).
We are inviting academicians from universities and research labs and professionals from industry verticals such as security solution companies, automobile, mobile and wireless companies etc. to participate and contribute their original work and technical papers to SecurIT 2012 that is supported in principle by ACM (Special Interest Group in Security, Audit & Control SIGSAC) and IEEE Computer Society.  Apart from publications in ACM digital library, best papers will be selected for publication in Journal of Computer Security, IOS Press (http://jcs.stanford.edu). 

Conference will include tutorials, keynote speeches, technical tracks, workshops, hands-on training sessions, hacking & start-up contests etc

Call for Papers Topics of Interest Include (but are not limited to):
Theory, Practice, and Case Studies in Security, Privacy and Trust of:
* Cyber-physical/networked Embedded Systems
* Machine to Machine Networks (M2M networks)
* Mobile Applications and Security
* Energy, Water and Nuclear resources, Smart Grid SCADA systems
* Sensor Networks : Campus Area, Body Area, Sensor and Metropolitan Area Networks
* Medical Devices
* Control Systems : Flight, Train & Industrial Automation
* Automotive Systems and Networks
* Smart Cities
* Near Field Communication Systems
* Wireless systems
Broader Issues in Internet of Things:

* Threat Models and Attack Trees
* Compliance, Standardization and Regulation
* Impact of Internet of Things in Cloud Security
* Impact of Big Data Analytics on Privacy.
* Denial of Service Attacks
* Identity Management
Key Dates
*Full paper submission: April 30, 2012
*Notification of Selection: May 31, 2012
*Workshop Proposal Submission: June 10, 2012
*Camera Ready Paper Submission: July 15, 2012
Please submit your papers to:
Conference will include Workshops, Tutorials & ÒHands-onÓTraining & Special Sessions on:

* How to safely adopt and offer cloud services
* Mobile Applications and Security
* How to migrate to DNSSEC
* Securing web services
* Detection, containment and recovery from attacks on Cyber-physical systems
* Securing automotives
* Cyber forensics and reverse engineering with advances in attack techniques
* Securing coding practices
* Emerging identity federation and management strategies
* Using social media with no risks to privacy and security
* Entrepreneurship and innovation - Consult world famous venture capitalists and make your passion a real business
We look forward to your participation in SecurIT 2012 at one of India's most scenic locations on the Arabian sea shores of Kerala.
For more information please visit: www.amrita.edu/securit 


Prof. Christof Paar  
Chair for Embedded Security 
Dept. Electrical Engineering & Information Technology
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany

URL:    www.emsec.rub.de
Mobile: +49 (0)170 790 3393

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