[HGI-news-int] HGI scientists break satellite telephony security standards

English Newsletter of the Horst Goertz Institute of IT Security in Bochum hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Wed Feb 8 17:45:13 CET 2012

HGI scientists break satellite telephony security standards

Satellite telephony was thought to be secure against eavesdropping.
Researchers at the Horst Görtz Institute for IT-Security (HGI) at the
Ruhr University Bochum have cracked the encryption algorithms of the
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), which is used
globally for satellite telephones, and revealed significant weaknesses.
With simple equipment, they found the crypto key which is needed to
intercept telephone conversations. Using open-source software and
building on their previous research results, they were able to exploit
the security weaknesses.

Telephoning via satellite

In some regions of the world standard cell phone communication is still
not available. In war zones, developing countries and on the high seas,
satellite phones are used instead. Here, the telephone is connected via
radio directly to a satellite. This passes the incoming call to a
station on the ground. From there, the call is fed into the public
telephone network. So far this method, with the ETSI’s encryption
algorithms A5-GMR-1 and A5-GMR-2, was considered secure.

Simple equipment – fast decryption

For their project, the interdisciplinary group of researchers from the
areas of Embedded Security and System Security used commercially
available equipment, and randomly selected two widely used satellite
phones. A simple firmware update was then loaded from the provider’s
website for each phone and the encryption mechanism reconstructed. Based
on the analysis, the encryption of the GMR-1 standard demonstrated
similarities to the one used in GSM, the most common mobile phone
system. “Since the GSM cipher had already been cracked, we were able to
adopt the method and use it for our attack”, explained Benedikt
Driessen, of the Chair for Embedded Security (Prof. Christof Paar). To
verify the results in practice, the research group recorded their own
satellite telephone conversations and developed a new attack based on
the analysis. „We were surprised by the total lack of protection
measures, which would have complicated our work drastically”, said
Carsten Willems of the Chair for System Security at the RUB.

Invasion of privacy

Encryption algorithms are implemented to protect the privacy of the
user. “Our results show that the use of satellite phones harbours
dangers and the current encryption algorithms are not sufficient”,
emphasized Ralf Hund of the Chair for System Security (Prof. Thorsten
Holz). There is, as yet, no alternative to the current standards. Since
users cannot rely on their security against interception, similar to the
security of standard cell phones, they will have to wait for the
development of new technologies and standards, or make use of other
means of communication for confidential calls.

Details of the HGI results are available online at:

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