[HGI-news-int] CFP Special Issue on "Embedded Platforms for Cryptography in the Coming " - ACM TECS
English Newsletter of the Horst Goertz Institute of IT Security in Bochum
hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Fri May 30 10:36:16 CEST 2014
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems
Special Issue on "Embedded Platforms for Cryptography in the Coming Decade"
Submissions due July 1, 2014
Cryptography has made great strides in capability and variety over the
past few years, enabling a broad range of new applications and extending
the reach of security deep into the embedded world. A few examples
include lightweight primitives that provide information security for a
fraction of the energy and cost of traditional primitives; lattice-based
crypto-engines that provide an alternative to public-key operations in a
post-quantum-computing world; cryptographic sponges that can be
configured as universal crypto-kernels; anonymous signatures that
support electronic cash in portable, compact form factors; and
homomorphic primitives and zero-knowledge proofs that allow
privacy-friendly interaction of devices with the all-knowing cloud.
These novel forms of cryptography will drive the embedded information
infrastructure, and they will become a necessity to mix and merge our
virtual life with our real life in a trustworthy and scalable manner.
However, this is not your father's cryptography, and its efficient
implementation needs new research efforts. It is based on different
mathematical structures, novel transformations and data organizations,
and in many cases its computational complexity is significantly higher
than that of traditional cryptographic operations. For several
primitives, such as for post-quantum cryptography and homomorphic
computing, the optimal implementation strategies are still an open area
of research. Furthermore, threats against these novel forms of
cryptography, such as side-channel analysis or fault injection, are
unexplored. This special issue of ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing
Systems solicits state-of-the-art research results and surveys in
embedded system engineering for these novel cryptographic primitives.
The issue will cover both hardware and software implementations for
performance-optimized, resource-constrained, energy-efficient platforms.
Of special interest are implementations that demonstrate novel
applications for cryptographic primitives.
A few examples of topics of interest for the special issue include:
- Post-quantum Primitives for Constrained Platforms (RFID, microcontroller)
- Lattice-based Cryptography in Embedded Platforms
- Embedded Implementations that interact with the Homomorphic Cloud
- Custom-instruction Extensions and Hardware Primitives for Post-quantum
- Performance Comparisons and Benchmarks for Multi-party Computation
- Privacy-friendly Cryptography in Embedded Platforms
- Privacy-friendly Car Electronics and Public-transport Infrastructure
- Implementations of Electronic Cash
- Implementations of Electronic Passports
- Hardware Acceleration of Privacy-friendly Cryptographic Primitives
- Implementations of Unified Cryptographic Primitives (eg Authenticated
- Implementations of Leakage-resilient Cryptography
The special issue specifically seeks novel, non-traditional
implementations of cryptography, and novel, non-traditional threat
analysis. Submissions that discuss standard encryption schemes such as
based on AES, RSA or ECC, are considered out of scope. Likewise,
implementation attacks on traditional targets (standard block ciphers)
are considered out of scope.
- Submission: July 1, 2014
- Reviews Returned: October 1, 2014
- Revisions: November 1, 2014
- Publication: First Quarter 2015
Please notice that the scheduled review dates are approximate dates and
subject to change. We will kindly inform you about the review results as
soon as a decision was made.
Authors should submit their journal version at Manuscript Central
adhering to the formatting instructions on the TECS Web page and
indicate that you are submitting to the Special Issue on Embedded
Platforms for Cryptography in the Coming Decade on the first page and in
the field "Author's Cover Letter:" in Manuscript Central. For additional
questions please send an email to the Guest Editors.
Please consult http://acmtecs.acm.org/author/index.html for additional
Considerations for overlap with earlier publications: Conference papers
may only be submitted if the paper was completely re-written or
substantially extended (30%). The papers should be submitted via the
Manuscript Central website and should adhere to standard ACM TECS
formatting requirements. The page count limit is 25.
Patrick Schaumont
ECE Department
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg VA 24060
schaum at vt.edu
Máire O’Neill
Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT)
Queen’s University Belfast
Belfast, United Kingdom
m.oneill at ecit.qub.ac.uk
Tim Güneysu
Department of EE and IT
Ruhr University Bochum
Bochum, Germany
tim.gueneysu at rub.de
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