[HGI-news-int] International Conference on Historical Cryptology (HISTOCRYPT 2018)
English Newsletter of the Horst Goertz Institute of IT Security in Bochum
hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Fri Oct 6 19:25:33 CEST 2017
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [HICRYPT] CFP: International Conference on Historical
Cryptology (HISTOCRYPT 2018)
Datum: Fri, 6 Oct 2017 15:42:45 +0000
Von: Beáta Megyesi <Beata.Megyesi at lingfil.uu.se>
An: hicrypt at stp.lingfil.uu.se <hicrypt at stp.lingfil.uu.se>
[Apologies for cross-postings]
International Conference on Historical Cryptology (HISTOCRYPT 2018)
Uppsala, Sweden
Monday, June 18, 2018 to Wednesday, June 20, 2018
The International Conference on Historical Cryptology (HistoCrypt 2018)
invites submissions of long and short papers to its annual conference on
historical cryptology. The conference will be held in June 18-20, 2018
on the English Park Campus of Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
Please mark your calendars.
HistoCrypt addresses all aspects of historical
cryptography/cryptanalysis including work in closely related disciplines
(such as history, history of ideas, computer science, AI, or
(computational) linguistics or image processing) that is sufficiently
formalized or applied, with relevance to historical ciphertexts and codes.
We welcome everybody interested in the field of historical cryptology
(classical cryptography and cryptanalysis) to participate in the event.
We invite submissions to HistoCrypt, either short or long paper, for
presentation at the conference, which will be evaluated by a program
committee. The conference's subjects include, but are not limited to:
+ the use of cryptography in military, diplomacy, business, and other areas
+ analysis of historical ciphers with the help of modern computerized
+ unsolved historical cryptograms
+ the Enigma and other encryption machines
+ the history of modern (computer-based) cryptography
+ special linguistic aspects of cryptology
+ the influence of cryptography on the course of history
+ teaching and promoting cryptology in schools, universities, and the public
Considering the location of the upcoming HistoCrypt 2018 at Uppsala
University, special attention is encouraged to the heritage of Prof.
Arne Beurling and his role in breaking the German teletype ciphers.
Participation in the conference is mandatory for at least one author of
each accepted paper.
HistoCrypt 2018 represents a continuation of the highly successful
European Historical Ciphers Colloquiums (EuroHCC) held in Heusenstamm
(2012), Kassel (2016), and Smolenice (2017). Considering EuroHCC’s
growing popularity among the crypto historians and cryptographers and
the established HICRYPT network on historical cryptology with over 50
members from 20 countries around the world, our aim is to establish
HistoCrypt as an annual, international event. The first event in the
series takes place in 2018 at Uppsala University, Sweden.
We invite paper submissions in three distinct tracks:
+ regular papers up to 10 pages (including references) on substantial,
original, and unpublished research, including evaluation results, where
+ short papers up to 4 pages (including references) on smaller, focused
contributions, work in progress, negative results, surveys, tutorials,
or opinion pieces;
+ short papers up to 4 pages (including references) on system
demonstrations (demo).
Presentations of accepted papers are either oral, poster, or demo, which
will be decided by the program committee.
Papers accepted for presentation at the conference will be included in
the HistoCrypt 2018 proceedings, which is published as part of the
Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT)
Proceedings Series (http://omilia.uio.no/nealt/?task=publications) by
Linköping University Electronic Press (ECP:
http://www.ep.liu.se/ecp/index.en.asp), as freely available Gold Open
Access. Publications in the Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings
are ranked on the Norwegian register for scientific journals, series and
publishers as Level 1 publications. Please consult the responsibilities
of the authors concerning publication ethics and malpractice statement
as described on the ECP website:
http://www.ep.liu.se/ecp/index.en.asp#tab4. Paper submissions that
violate these requirements will be returned without review.
The proceedings will be also published in the anthology of the
Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL Anthology:
http://aclanthology.info/) in parallel. Printed proceedings will be
available on request for a fee.
+ Friday, January 26, 2018: Submission of Papers
+ Friday, March 30, 2018: Notification of Acceptance
+ Monday, April 30, 2018: Camera-Ready Manuscripts
+ Monday and Tuesday, June 18 & 19, 2018: Main Conference
+ Wednesday, June 20, 2018: Workshops, Meetings
All submissions must follow the HistoCrypt 2018 style files, which are
available for LaTeX (preferred) and MS Word and can be
retrieved from the following address:
Submissions shall be anonymous, i.e. not reveal author(s) on the title
page or through self-references.
Papers must be submitted digitally, in PDF, and uploaded through the
on-line conference system. The page limits for submissions are: up to
ten pages for regular
papers, up to four pages for short papers including bibliographic
Paper submissions that violate the requirements will be returned without
Submissions to the conference must follow the above requirements and
be uploaded electronically no later than:
Friday, January 26, 2018 23:59 CET
HistoCrypt utilizes the EasyChair conference management system for
submission, reviewing, and preparation of proceedings. Submission for
the conference will open December 1, 2017 at:
Reviewing of submissions and selection of the conference program will
be managed by the HistoCrypt 2018 Program Committee. All submissions
will receive at least two double-blind reviews by experts in the field.
+ Beáta Megyesi (program chair), Uppsala University, Sweden
+ Bernhard Esslinger (cryptology), University of Siegen, Germany
+ Otokar Grošek (cryptology), Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia
+ Benedek Láng (history), Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, Hungary
+ Mark Phythian (intelligence), University of Leicester, UK
+ Anne-Simone Rous (history), Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities,
+ Gerhard F. Straßer (history), Emeritus, Pennsylvania State University, USA
To inquire about the submission and reviewing process or generally the
scientific program of the conference, please email
histocrypt2018 at stp.lingfil.uu.se<mailto:histocrypt2018 at stp.lingfil.uu.se
The HistoCrypt 2018 Local Organizing Committee is comprised of staff
from the
Department of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala University, Sweden:
+ Eva Pettersson (local chair)
+ Bengt Dahlqvist
+ Beata Megyesi
For all practical inquiries, please email
‘histocrypt2018 at stp.lingfil.uu.se<mailto:histocrypt2018 at stp.lingfil.uu.se>’.
Beáta Megyesi (Assoc. Prof.)
Head of Department
Dept. of Linguistics and Philology
Uppsala University
beata.megyesi at lingfil.uu.se<mailto:beata.megyesi at lingfil.uu.se>
Prof. Christof Paar
Chair for Embedded Security
Dept. Electrical Engineering & Information Technology
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
URL: www.emsec.rub.de
mobile: +49 (0)170 790 3393
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