[Biomedical-cybernetics] Fwd: ECCS'11 Vienna, Sept 12-16, 2011: Early registration ends April 30

Johannes W. Dietrich j.w.dietrich at medizinische-kybernetik.de
Thu Apr 21 16:12:56 CEST 2011

FYI / Zur Kenntnis:

>Dear Friends and Colleagues,
>this is a reminder that early registration for 
>the European Conference on Complex Systems - 
>ECCS'11 Vienna (Sep 12-16, 2011) will end 
>on April 30th, 2011. After this date, 
>registration fees will be 
>increased. <http://www.eccs2011.eu/registration/>http://www.eccs2011.eu/registration/
>Further, we would like to announce a preliminary 
>list of speakers who have confirmed their 
>invitation to ECCS'11 satellite 
>meetings <http://www.eccs2011.eu/satellites/>http://www.eccs2011.eu/satellites/
>Complex Dynamics of Human Interactions:
>Albert László Barabási (Northeastern University, Boston)
>Alain Barrat (Centre de Physique Théoriquem)
>Frontiers of Evolution:
>Richard Blythe (Edinburgh University)
>Éric Brunet (ENS, Paris)
>Leif Dehmelt (MPI of Molecular Physiology and TU Dortmund)
>Harold Fellermann (University of Southern Denmark in Odense)
>Christoph Flamm (University of Vienna)
>Erwin Frey (LMU, Munich)
>Christian Hilbe (University of Vienna)
>Susanna Manrubia (Centro de Astrobiología, Madrid)
>Ariadna Martos (BIOTEC, TU Dresden)
>Francois Nédélec (EMBL, Heidelberg)
>Kim Sneppen (NBI, Copenhagen)
>Hierarchy: from its definition to the characterization of complex systems:
>Ricard Solé (Complex Systems Lab, Universitat Pompeu, Barcelona)
>PhD 'Research in Progress' Workshop:
>David Hales (Open University, UK)
>XNet - Complexity & Networks:
>Ed Bullmore (University of Cambridge, UK)
>Moez Draief (Imperial College London, UK)
>Vito Latora (University of Catania, Italy)
>Cecilia Mascolo (University of Cambridge, UK)
>Martin Rosvall (Umeå University, Sweden)
>Jari Saramäki (Aalto University, Finland)
>All the best,
>For the organizers
>Stefan Thurner (Conference Chair)
>Karl Sigmund (Program Chair)
>(To unsubscribe, please send a mail with subject 
>line 'unsubscribe' to 
><mailto:contact at eccs2011.eu>contact at eccs2011.eu)

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Dr. Johannes W. Dietrich, M.D.
-- Laboratory XU44, Endocrine Research
-- Medical Hospital I, Bergmannsheil University Hospitals
-- Ruhr University of Bochum
-- Buerkle-de-la-Camp-Platz 1, D-44789 Bochum, NRW, Germany
-- Phone: +49:234:302-6400, Fax: +49:234:302-6403
-- eMail: "j.w.dietrich at medical-cybernetics.de"
-- WWW: http://medical-cybernetics.de
-- WWW: http://www.bergmannsheil.de
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

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