[Biomedical-cybernetics] What's Nonlinear in April?

Guastello, Stephen stephen.guastello at marquette.edu
Mon Mar 10 06:09:12 CET 2014

What's Nonlinear in April? The April 2014 issue of NDPLS (vol. 18, no.  
2) will be mailed to subscribers soon. You can read the abstracts now:www.societyforchaostheory.org/ndpls 

Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences
April 2014, Volume 18, Number 2

Nonparametric Tests for Serial Dependence Based on Runs
             Manuel Ruiz, Úsula Faura, Matilde Lafuente, and Mohammed  
H.I. Dore

Nonlinear Dynamics of Runaways among Children and Adolescents:  
Disruptive Disorder or Step toward a Suicide Attempt?
             Hélène Nicolis and Véronique Delvenne

Dynamic Patterns in Psychotherapy – Discontinuous Changes and Critical  
Instabilities during the Treatment of  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
             Stephan Heinzel, Igor Tominschek, and Günter Schiepek

Catastrophe Model of the Accident Process, Safety Climate, and Anxiety
             Stephen J. Guastello and Mark Lynn
A Mathematical Model of "Pride and Prejudice"
             Sergio Rinaldi, Fabio Della Rossa, and Pietro Landi

Key Word Index for NDPLS Articles 1997-2013


If you join SCTPLS now, the January 2014 special issue on Nonlinear  
Dynamics in Education will be part of your 2014 full-year  
subscription, and we'll throw in a recent random bonus issue too  
(while supplies last).

**Published by the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life  
P. O. Box 484, Pewaukee, WI 53072, USA

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