[Geoqus] Python Script to report velocities

Kasper Fischer kasper.fischer at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Mon Nov 10 15:57:45 CET 2003

Hello Everybody,

I wrote down a Python Script (report_v.py) to extract velocity
information from an Abaqus-ODB file. I think it can be
useful for other users, too. Please feel free to use and improve it. The
script takes the difference in deformation from two increments of one
step and divides it by the change in time. The tabular output can be
used for further processing (i.e plotting velocity vectors in GMT).
Usage information is printed on the screen with the command
abaqus python report_v.py -h

I think that this script might also be helpful for people who want to
get started to use the integrated python language of Abaqus.

Have a nice week

Kasper Fischer

| Dr. Kasper D. Fischer             <kasper.fischer at ruhr-uni-bochum.de> |
| Ruhr-Universität Bochum                                               |
| Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik                      |
| NA 3 / 174                        Tel: +49 234 3227574                |
| D-44780 Bochum                    Fax: +49 234 3214181                |
| Germany                           www.geophysik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de    |

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