[Geoqus] earth stress field

Tobias Lau Tobias.Lau at uni-jena.de
Tue Jul 18 12:55:25 CEST 2006

Dear Members,

I'm quite new at Geoqus but I've already got a big bunch of questions. Right now
I'm trying to include a stress field in my model. After some test with the
"Geostatic" option I got the hint to use a python skript to extract the results
of the pure gravity stress and use that for the initial vertical stress
field. So far it works quite well.
But now I tried to create a horizontal stress field in the same way without much
success. Mayby someone has already some experience with it and could give me
a hint. Till now I used a side Load ("pressure") normal to the faces in
combination with an expression field to get a vertical increase of the
pressure. The only boundary condition is a fixed bottom against gravity. The
result displays a strong stress drop along the edges and no stress in the
corners. Also I got unrealistic deformations (many times the size of my model
although the elastic parameters and stress values are correct) and distribution
(instead of my expected vertical deformation increase it is one parallel to the
faces but without any vertical component).
Thanks for any help.

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