[Geoqus] Part problem

Tobias Lau Tobias.Lau at uni-jena.de
Fri Aug 4 11:13:41 CEST 2006


I have a question concerning the creation of parts. Does anyone know if there's
a possibility to create a part by giving Abaqus the three spatial coordinates
of every corner of the part? Since I use parts with a complicated geometry and
it costs a lot of time to sketch only the X-Y shape and then carving the z
dimension out of these blocks in the CAE it would be much more comfortable.
Also I can't imagine that these possibility isn't include in Abaqus. Maybe with
a python script, but I didn't find anything in the scripting reference. I
already found out about geometry files but sadly I don't have access to any of
the programs producing them and it doesn't seem effective to manipulate these
files myself.
Thank for any help and have a nice weekend!

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