[Biomedical-cybernetics] BioNetVisA workshop at ICSB2015: abstract submission deadline on April 1st
Nicolas Le Novere
n.lenovere at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 23:31:49 CET 2015
BioNetVisA 2015 workshop: From biological network reconstruction to
data visualization and analysis in molecular biology and medicine.
Check http://www.2015icsb.com/page.asp?call=Workshop and https://sysbio.curie.fr/bionetvisa
The workshop will take place in Shanghai, China on August 25th, 2015
as part of the 16th International Conference on System Biology
Graphical representation of biological knowledge
Comprehensive signaling networks
Molecular interaction and pathway databases
Networks annotation and curation
High-throughput data visualization, analysis and interpretation in the
context of networks
Network modeling
Basic research and clinical application of networks
The workshop is suitable for wide audience as database providers,
networks creators, computational and experimental biologists,
clinicians and anyone who is interested to be ex
posed to the different paradigms of network biology and the latest
achievements in the field.
Confirmed speakers:
Lodewyk Wessels (Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Samik Ghosh (Systems Biology Institute, Tokyo, Japan)
Andrei Zinovyev (Institut Curie, Paris, France)
Mariko Okada ((RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences Yokohama,
Yoshiyuki Asai (The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology,
Okinawa, Japan)
BioNetVisA organizing committee:
Inna Kuperstein (Institut Curie, France)
Emmanuel Barillot (Institut Curie, France)
Andrei Zinovyev (Institut Curie, France)
Hiroaki Kitano (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate
University, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, Japan)
Nicolas Le Novère (Babraham Institute, UK)
Robin Haw (Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Canada)
Alfonso Valencia (Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute, Madrid,
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